In this case study, I analyze historical data from a Chicago based bike-share company in order to identify trends in how their customers use bikes differently. The main tools I use are spreadsheets, SQL and Tableau. Here are the highlights:

A more in-depth breakdown of the case study scenario is included below, followed by my full report.


Cyclistic is a bike-share company based in Chicago with two types of customers. Customers who purchase single-ride or full-day passes are known as casual riders, while those who purchase annual memberships are known as members. Cyclistic’s financial analysts have concluded that annual members are much more profitable than casual riders. The director of marketing believes the company’s future success depends on maximizing the number of annual memberships.

The marketing analytics team wants to understand how casual riders and annual members use Cyclistic bikes differently. From these insights, the team will design a new marketing strategy to convert casual riders into annual members. The primary stakeholders for this project include Cyclistic’s director of marketing and the Cyclistic executive team. The Cyclistic marketing analytics team are secondary stakeholders.

Defining the problem

The main problem for the director of marketing and marketing analytics team is this: Design marketing strategies aimed at converting Cyclistic’s casual riders into annual members. There are three questions that will guide this future marketing program. For my scope on this project, I will anlyze the first question:

1) How do annual members and casual riders use Cyclistic bikes differently?
2) Why would casual riders buy Cyclistic annual memberships?
3) How can Cyclistic use digital media to influence casual riders to become members?

By looking at the data, we will be able to first get a broad sense of certain patterns that are occurring in the two different groups. Understanding the differences will provide more accurate customer profiles for each group. These insights will help the marketing analytics team design high quality targeted marketing for converting casual riders into members. For the Cyclistic executive team, these insights will help Cyclistic maximize the number of annual members and will fuel future growth for the company.

Business task

Data sources

We’ll be using Cyclistic’s historical bike trip data from the last 12 months, which is publicly available here. The data is made available by Motivate International Inc. under this license. The data is stored in spreadsheets. There are 12 .CSV files total:

01) 2021-02_divvy_trip-data.csv  
02) 2021-03_divvy_trip-data.csv  
03) 2021-04_divvy_trip-data.csv  
04) 2021-05_divvy_trip-data.csv  
05) 2021-06_divvy_trip-data.csv  
06) 2021-07_divvy_trip-data.csv  
07) 2021-08_divvy_trip-data.csv  
08) 2021-09_divvy_trip-data.csv  
09) 2021-10_divvy_trip-data.csv  
10) 2021-11_divvy_trip-data.csv  
11) 2021-12_divvy_trip-data.csv  
12) 2022-01_divvy_trip-data.csv  

It is structured data, organized in rows (records) and columns (fields). Each record represents one trip, and each trip has a unique field that identifies it: ride_id. Each trip is anonymized and includes the following fields:

* ride_id               #Ride id - unique
* rideable_type         #Bike type - Classic, Docked, Electric
* started_at            #Trip start day and time
* ended_at              #Trip end day and time
* start_station_name    #Trip start station
* start_station_id      #Trip start station id
* end_station_name      #Trip end station
* end_station_id        #Trip end station id
* start_lat             #Trip start latitude  
* start_lng             #Trip start longitute   
* end_lat               #Trip end latitude  
* end_lat               #Trip end longitute   
* member_casual         #Rider type - Member or Casual  

Bike station data that is made publicly available by the city of Chicago will also be used. It can be downloaded here. In terms of bias and credibility, both data sources we are using ROCCC:

  • Reliable and original: this is public data that contains accurate, complete and unbiased info on Cyclistic’s historical bike trips. It can be used to explore how different customer types are using Cyclistic bikes.

  • Comprehensive and current: these sources contain all the data needed to understand the different ways members and casual riders use Cyclistic bikes. The data is from the past 12 months. It is current and relevant to the task at hand. This is important because the usefulness of data decreases as time passes.

  • Cited:these sources are publicly available data provided by Cyclistic and the City of Chicago. Governmental agency data and vetted public data are typically good sources of data.

Data cleaning and manipulation

Microsoft Excel: initial data cleaning and manipulation

Our next step is making sure the data is stored appropriately and prepared for analysis. After downloading all 12 zip files and unzipping them, I housed the files in a temporary folder on my desktop. I also created subfolders for the .CSV files and the .XLS files so that I have a copy of the original data. Then, I launched Excel, opened each file, and chose to Save As an Excel Workbook file. For each .XLS file, I did the following:

  • Changed format of started_at and ended_at columns
    • Formatted as custom DATETIME
    • Format > Cells > Custom > yyyy-mm-dd h:mm:ss
  • Created a column called ride_length
    • Calculated the length of each ride by subtracting the column started_at from the column ended_at (example: =D2-C2)
    • Formatted as TIME
    • Format > Cells > Time > HH:MM:SS (37:30:55)
  • Created a column called ride_date
    • Calculated the date of each ride started using the DATE command (example: =DATE(YEAR(C2),MONTH(C2),DAY(C2)))
    • Format > Cells > Date > YYYY-MM-DD
  • Created a column called ride_month
    • Entered the month of each ride and formatted as number (example: January: =1)
    • Format > Cells > Number
  • Created a column called ride_year
    • Entered the year of each ride and formatted as general
    • Format > Cells > General > YYYY
  • Created a column called start_time
    • Calculated the start time of each ride using the started_at column
    • Formatted as TIME
    • Format > Cells > Time > HH:MM:SS (37:30:55)
  • Created a column called end_time
    • Calculated the end time of each ride using the ended_at column
    • Formatted as TIME
    • Format > Cells > Time > HH:MM:SS (37:30:55)
  • Created a column called day_of_week
    • Calculated the day of the week that each ride started using the WEEKDAY command (example: =WEEKDAY(C2,1))
    • Formatted as a NUMBER with no decimals
    • Format > Cells > Number (no decimals) > 1,2,3,4,5,6,7
    • Note: 1 = Sunday and 7 = Saturday

After making these updates, I saved each .XLS file as a new .CSV file.

BigQuery: further data cleaning and manipulation via SQL

Since these datasets are so large, it makes sense to move our analysis to a tool that is better suited for handling large datasets. I chose to use SQL via BigQuery.

In order to continue processing the data in BigQuery, I created a bucket in Google Cloud Storage to upload all 12 files. I then created a project in BigQuery and uploaded these files as datasets. I’ve provided my initial cleaning and transformation SQL queries here for reference: initial_setup_query.sql

The results from the COUNT DISTINCT query for each table are very interesting. We can see that the three summer months have the highest trip counts, followed by alternating spring and fall months before ending with winter months:

monthly trip totals and rank

Create quarterly tables

In order to perform analysis by season, let’s combine these tables. We’ll create Q1, Q2, Q3 and Q4 tables for analysis. We’ll have two Q1 tables– one for 20221 and one for 2022 – since we have FEB/MAR data from 2021 and JAN data from 2022:

  • Table 1) 2021_Q1 -> FEB(02), MAR(03)
  • Table 2) 2021_Q2 -> APR(04), MAY(05), JUN(06)
  • Table 3) 2021_Q3 -> JUL(07), AUG(08), SEP(09)
  • Table 4) 2021_Q4 -> OCT(10), NOV(11), DEC(12)
  • Table 5) 2022_Q1 -> JAN(01)

We’ll first create 2021_Q2 and then repeat for the remaining four tables:

Clean and transform day of week

Some additional data cleaning is needed on the new table. First, we’ll update the format for day_of_week from FLOAT to STRING. Then, we’ll change the values from numbers to their corresponding day names (i.e. 1 = Sunday, 7 = Saturday. We’ll start with 2021_Q1 and repeat for the remaining four tables:

Delete old tables

Now that we have our tables organized into quarters, we can delete the original monthly tables from BigQuery. We no longer need the monthly tables since the data is available in the quarter tables. Also, it costs money to store these datasets in BigQuery.

Analysis #1: Exploratory

2021_Q1 - quarterly data exploration

We’ll select a few columns from 2021_Q1 to preview in a temporary table. This will help give us an idea of potential trends and relationships to explore further:

2021_Q1 data preview

The above query returned 278,119 rows. That is the number of recorded trips we have data for in this quarter. Let’s dive deeper into those trip totals.

Total trips

We’ll create total columns for overall, annual members and casual riders. We’ll also calculate percentages of overall total for both types:

2021_Q1 trip totals

Of the 278,118 total trips in 2021_Q1, 66% were from annual members while 34% were from casual riders.

Average ride lengths

How does average ride_length differ for these groups?

2021_Q1 AVG ride lengths

We can see that casual riders average about 23 more minutes per ride. That seems like a pretty big difference. What influence are outliers having on these averages? Let’s investigate.

Max ride lengths

We’ll look at the maximum values for ride_length to see if anything extreme is influencing the casual rider average:

2021_Q1 MAX ride lengths

As we suspected, the casual riders average ride_length was significantly impacted by at least one outlier. The longest trip duration for casual riders was 528 hours, or 22 days. Meanwhile, the longest for annual was about 26 hours.

Let’s take a look at the top 100 highest ride_length values for casual riders to confirm there is more than one outlier affecting the average:

2021_Q1 MAX ride lengths, casual riders top 100

Median ride lengths

Since there are more than a few outliers impacting the average, we’re going to use median instead of average. Median will be more accurate for our analysis:

2021_Q1 median ride lengths

Now we see a much closer number, with 18 minutes for casual riders and 10 minutes for annual members.

Busiest day for rides

Let’s see which day has the most rides for annual members and casual riders:

2021_Q1 mode day of week

Unsurprisingly, Saturday is the most popular day for both annual members and casual riders.

Median ride length per day

Let’s look at the median ride lengths per day for both annual members and casual riders. Since Saturday is the most popular overall, do we think it will also have the highest median ride length?

2021_Q1 median ride length, day of week, casual and member

Very interesting! The median ride length for casual riders on the top five days (SUN, SAT, MON, TUE, WED) is nearly double the amount for annual members on their top five days (SAT, SUN, MON, TUE, WED).

Total rides per day

Let’s look at total rides per day. We’ll create columns for overall total, annual members and casual riders:

2021_Q1 number of trips per day

Start stations

Next, we’ll look at the most popular start stations for trips. We’ll again include columns for overall, annual member and casual rider totals per start station:

2021_Q1 start stations

We can begin to see some interesting patterns in the start station data. It looks like casual riders and annual members tend to favor different regions for beginning their trips. By updating the ORDER BY function to sort by casual DESC and member DESC in two separate queries, we can compare the top ten start stations for both:

2021_Q1 start stations

Wow! There is only one start station that cracks the top ten for both lists.
The Clark St & Elm St start station is ranked #1 for annual members and #10 for casual riders. The casual riders seem to favor stations near the water like Lake Shore Dr & Monroe St and Streeter Dr & Grand Ave, while annual members frequent start stations in the River North neighborhood like Dearborn St & Erie St and Kingsbury St & Kinzie St.

An initial hypothesis for casual riders could be that they tend to favor start stations near the water and close to tourist attractions because they use bikes for weekend entertainment. An initial hypothesis for annual members could be that they tend to favor start stations in downtown, retail areas because they are using bikes for their work commutes and shopping trips.

Quarterly data exploration (cont.)

Instead of walking through each quarter like we’ve done for 2021_Q1, I will instead provide links to the full SQL files. The queries used are similar to the ones above:

I’ll included some high-level quarterly analysis notes in the next section.

Analysis #2: Summary

Annual Members vs Casual Riders

member vs casual
During the past 12 months, annual members accounted for 55% of Cyclistic’s total trips while casual riders accounted for 45% of total trips. As we can see in the above area chart, this percentage fluctuates throughout the year.


Stakeholder presentation and dashboard

I’ve provided links below for my dashboard and shareholder presentation, which includes the following:

  • A summary of my analysis
  • Supporting visualizations and key findings
  • Three recommendations based on my analysis

Presentation: Where Rubber Meets Road in Converting Casual Riders to Cyclistic Members

Tableau Dashboard: Cyclistic Bikeshare in Chicago